Are You Ready for Some Football Food?

Around my house this time of year, Sunday afternoon is football time. Nothing else goes on the t.v. except a football game. One of my favorite ways to watch a football game is by stuffing my face with delicious food. Am I right? I’m a Redskins fan, so sometimes all I have is the food…

Anyway, here are five easy recipes I found from the world of Pinterest for you to enjoy!

five football sunday receipes Collage

First up, Buffalo Chicken Dip. Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good dip while they are watching the game? brings you this awesome dip that’s easy to whip up.

Buffalo Chicken Dip

If you like that dip, why not try some buffalo chicken drumsticks too? bring you this delicious looking dish, and it only has 3 ingredients!

Buffalo Ranch Drumsticks

Next, how about some wings? I’ve got two recipes that bring you a healthier baked option for your wings. You are trying to eat healthy while watching football right? Ok, maybe not all the time, but these are too easy not to try!

This one is brought to you by

untitledAnd this one comes from

Oven Baked Chicken Wings

The last recipe is for those who like it spicy! Honey Sriracha Chicken by, do I need to say more?

Honey Sriracha Chicken

Give one of these recipes a try this weekend, and don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest for more delicious food ideas (I have a whole board dedicated to food!) and other fun things like holidays, sewing, and Disney!